Landing Page ads

What are the requirements for landing page?
  • Your Advertisements should not contain any illegal, unlawful, defamatory, fraudulent, libelous, harmful, harassing, abusive, threatening, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive, inflammatory, or otherwise inappropriate content as decided by us in our sole discretion.

  • Your Advertisements may not depict illegal activities, promote or depict physical harm or injury against any group or individual, or promote or depict any act of cruelty to animals.

  • Your Advertisements may not contain material that impersonates any person or entity or otherwise misrepresents you or Your Website's users in any way.

  • Your Advertisements must not contain software viruses or any computer code, file or program designed to interrupt, destroy, limit or monitor the functionality of any computer software or hardware or any telecommunications equipment.

  • Your Advertisements should not contain or advertise "malware".

  • Your Websites and Advertisements should not phish for information, mislead users, or include any content which forces users to take any action (warnings, locking notifications, etc.).

  • Your Advertisements should not contain or advertise torrents, "warez" or similar content.

  • Your Advertisements should not contain or advertise stolen scripts.

  • Your Advertisements should not promote or incentivize online activity to surf websites, click on ads or engage in any activity that artificially enhances website, advertiser or other metrics.

  • Your Advertisements should not promote the production of fake documents, the copying of materials or paper mills.

  • Your Advertisements should not promote drugs or any related paraphernalia.

  • Your Advertisements may not promote content that is targeted to anyone under the age of eighteen (18) years.

  • Your Websites and Advertisements should not be under construction or incomplete.

  • Your Properties must have substantial real content and not simply be "blind links".

  • Your Advertisements should not use any third party trademarks without appropriate authorization and may not create a likelihood of confusion for consumers or dilute any third party trademarks.

  • Your Advertisements should not attempt to profit from human tragedy or suffering.

  • Your Properties and Advertisements must respect the particular rules added in the Administrative Panel for your campaign - including that it complies with all creatives requirements including rules relating to the use of sounds, javascript exits, automatically downloaded APKs.

  • Your Advertisement should not be a straight redirect to the application stores and any other pages that contain downloads of the content.

  • If you have Push Subscription Landing - notification for the subscription can be shown only once.

  • If you have Push ad format or In-page ad format, you can't use any offers with McAfee.
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