What ad formats are available?

Understanding ad formats

We have In-page, Popunder, Banner, In-stream and Web-push ads. 

In-page is an ad format that imitates a push notification. In fact it is a popup banner that doesn’t require users to be subscribed to the push mailing list. Therefore in-page has a bigger coverage. The ad appears on the website page while users visit it. In-page ads are available for IOS devices unlike push notifications.

Popunder is a highly-efficient full-screen pop ad that appears behind the main browser window after clicking on the link. It is one of the most unobtrusive ad formats, which address ad blindness by showing up the landing page in an open browser window. By popunder format an advertiser can effectively influence the visitor to complete the target action.

Banner is one of the most popular ad formats which is placed on the different places of the webpages with high traffic rate. Banners can be located either on top, sides or a bottom of the webpage. It is traditionally widespread among advertisers. In Onclicka you can find seven different banner formats with an impressive click-through-rate.
In-stream (videop) ad is one of the most fast-growing formats today. This is an ad which shows up at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the main video content. Video ad notably engages the users by its 100% viewability. The effectiveness of video ads is exposed by its high CTR and conversion rate.

Web-push is a notification ad which appears as a notify while users visit a webpage or an app. The user receives a push at any time when their browser is open, whether they use the website or not. Push ads are actively used by advertisers as they have a high opt-in rate and effectively engage the audience.

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